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English is GREAT!






                        The symbol of England

The English rose is a traditional heraldic emblem of England and it takes its name and origins from the Tudor dynasty. It is often called the Tudor rose and was adopted as a national emblem of England around the time of the Wars of the Roses.

The modern symbol of England is a red rose with white stamens. This symbol unites the symbolism of the two Houses who were quarreling with each other. They were the House of York (a white rose) and the House of Lancaster (a red rose). They had been quarreling for many years, trying to ascertain who would govern the country.


In 1455 they started a war which lasted until 1485. The thirty- year war drew a line under the English Middle Ages. The New England appeared as a result of the war. The red rose was a symbol of the winning House. After that the red rose symbol was the symbol of the Crusade. The red rose is a famous symbol which symbolizes the victories of England.



                                                                                             Svetlana Domkina,

                                                                                                                Form 8“A”

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