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Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland

Our research work is called “Northern Ireland”.

It was done by the students of the 6 “V” class: Ekaterina Abramushkina, Julia Tyshchenko, with the help of our teacher Vitaliy Valerievich Yolkin.


At the beginning of the school year we conducted a survey among our schoolmates on the topic“Northern Ireland”. We asked the following six questions about this country:

1.     Do you know the capital of Northern Ireland? (Diagram 1)

2.     Do you know the largest cities of Northern Ireland? (Diagram 2)

3.     Where is Northern Ireland situated? (Diagram 3)

4.     What are the official languages of Northern Ireland? (Diagram 4)

5.     What famous places of Northern Ireland do you know? (Diagram 5)

6.     What holidays of Northern Ireland do you know? (Diagram 6)

The results you can see here. The blue colour means the students answered correctly, the red colour means they answered incorrectly.


Diagram 1


Diagram 2


Diagram 3


Diagram 4


Diagram 5

Diagram 6


The results of the survey showed that the pupils practically didn’t know about this country, though Northern Ireland is a part of Great Britain.

It became the actuality of our work. We decided to collect information about this country, select the most interesting facts, and make a booklet and a presentation for the pupils to let them know more about Northern Ireland.

So we made a presentation according to our questions and showed this presentation to the pupils who took part in our first survey.  The presentation contains the following information about the country.

Northern Ireland is located in the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland.

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. It is one of the largest cities. The official languages in Northern Ireland are English and Irish. 


Most of the attractions are located in Dublin. The most famous are Dublin Castle and St. Patrick's Cathedral.

Road Giants is one of the most beautiful places in the world.       

There are many holidays in Northern Ireland but the most famous is St. Patrick’s Day. St. Patrick is the most well-known saint in Northern Ireland. He is the patron saint of thiscountry.


After that we conducted a survey to find out how many children know about this country for the second time. We asked the same questions but the results were different, the results were better. So we think that we reached our purposes and objectives.

In the nearest future we are going to learn about Northern Ireland in more detail studying the symbols of this country such as shamrock, the historical events and the most famous writers and poets of this beautiful country.


Ekaterina Abramushkina, Julia Tyshchenko,Form 6 “V”


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