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Teacher's Day


Teacher's Day


Teacher’s Day in the USA and England.


Each year, on October 5th Teacher’s Day is celebrated in over 100 countries. It all started in 1944 with a letter from the Arkansas teacher addressed to the officials, where it was suggested that it would be nice to pay the tribute to the country, and the teachers who put so much effort in the education of the younger generation, and therefore, the future of America.

Thanks to the efforts of Eleanor Roosevelt in 1953 people began to celebrate Teacher’s Day in America. On this day, teachers “bathe” in the glory of congratulations all week, the cities ’budgets give sponsorship gifts to the teachers as well.

Teacher’s Day is also a holiday in England. It is celebrated on the same date as in Russia, on the fifth of October. Teacher’s Day is celebrated by inviting teachers to tea with the students’parents. The tea party on this day must be necessarily with a teacher. Nowadays such tea ceremony can take place without teachers, because in England there are not as many teachers as parents of students. Also in England, on this day, the teachers are given the tastiest English tea.


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