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English is GREAT!


Country Study Quiz


Country Study Quiz



On the 5th of March the three teams from the 5th Grade took part in a very exciting event – a contest on the Country Study. The teams consisted of 6 students each and competed in 6 separate contests. The team “English Stars” consisted of DariaFatkina (5A), DariaChumadevskaya (5A), Ekaterina Mentyukova (5A), Sofia Sidorova (5A), AndreyVoropai (5B) and GrigoryGrishaev (5V).

The team “Hello!” consisted of IlyaTsyganov (5B), Maxim Vorobiov (5B), IlyaMeged (5G), PolinaFedorina (5G), PolinaPavluchik(5D), Leonid Okhotnikov (5D).

The team “English Eagles” consisted of Valeria Korzhova (5V), Karina Ruchkina (5V), StepanTleubaev (5V), Kristina Sizikova (5D) and Nikita Patrushev (5D).



The winners of the contest are “English Stars”!!!






We are really grateful to Natalia AnatolievnaVarina, the author of this interesting contest!

The 1st contest is called “Parts and wholes”. Each team combined the 2 parts to get a popular name. The teams got 1 point for each correct answer.

1. Harry               a) in Wonderland 
2.Mary                b) Shakespeare 
3.Robinson         c) Pooh
4.Peter                d) Potter
5.William            e) Poppins
6.Winny-the-      f) Crusoe
7. Alice                g) Pan

Answers:1d, 2e, 3f, 4g, 5b, 6c, 7a

The 2nd contestis called “Proverbs and sayings”. Each team got a list of English proverbs and their Russian equivalents. The task was to match the proverbs. They had 5 minutes at their disposal and could get 10 points for this task.

1. A cat in gloves catches no mice.-Безтруданевыловишьрыбкуизпруда.

2. Every dog is a lion at home.-Насвоейулочкеикурочкахрабра.

3. A black hen lays a white egg. Корова черна, да молоко у неё белое.

4. Nightingaleswillnotsinginacage. - Не нужна соловью золотая клетка, а нужна зелёная ветка.

5. All cats are grey in the dark -Ночьювсекошкисеры.

6. Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.-Цыплятпоосенисчитают.

7. Never offer to teach fish to swim.-Яйцакурицунеучат.

8. To set the fox to keep the geese. Пуститькозлавогород.

9. That can make the cat laugh. Курамнасмех.

10. To buy a pig in a poke. Купитькотавмешке.

The 3dcontest is called “Change the words”. The teams got some words and had to put them in the right order, so as to make sentences. They had 3 minutes at their disposal. Each team could get 1 point.

1.Good health is above wealth.

2.Eat healthy food to keep fit.

3. Take a cool shower to be healthy.

4. Wash your hands before you eat

5. Too many sweets are bad for your teeth.

The 4th task was toread the tongue-twister as quickly as possible 3 times.  Each team could get 1 point.

1.       Put your head on your bed. 

2.       Run round the playground.

3.       She sells sea-shells on the sea-shore.

4.       A big black bug bit a big black bear.

5.       Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper.

The 5th contest is called “The right choice”. Each team had to choose the right answer and could get 1 point for the right answer.

  1. The capital of  England is a) London b) Cardiff  c) Edinburgh .
  2. London stands on  a) the Mackenzie b) the Mississippi c) the Thames.
  3. The symbol of England is a) a red rose b) a tulip c) a daffodil.
  4. The English flag is a) blue and white b) red and green c) red and white.
  5. Golf comes from a) Scotland b) New Zealand c) the USA.
  6. A. Bell invented a) a car b) a telephone c) a plane.
  7. Ch. Chaplin was a) a dancer b) a composer c) an actor.
  8. Cricket comes from a) England b) Italy c) France.
  9. “Robinson Crusoe” was written by a) Lewis Carroll b) Daniel Defoe c) Alan Milne.
  10. The traditional Christmas meal in England is a) roast turkey b) fish and chips c) porridge.

The 6th contest iscalled “Inventions and discoveries” and the teams could get 1 point for each right answer.

  1. Who invented the telephone? (Al. Bell)
  2. Who discovered America? (Ch. Columbus)
  3. Who invented the car? (H. Ford)
  4. Who created Donald Duck? (W. Disney)
  5. Who discovered Australia? (J. Cook)
  6. Who was the 1st man in space? (Y.Gagarin)


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