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James Joyce

James Joyce is an Irish writer. He was born on February 2, 1882 in Rathgar, a suburb of Dublin. He studied at the Jesuit hostel. While studying at the faculty of Art Criticism of University College Dublin he experienced financial difficulties that followed him in his mature years. Rebellious environment contributed to the solidification of rebellious feelings Joyce had. However, political or literary movements aimed at liberation of Ireland did not attract him. He gravitated to the European culture due to his exceptional gift as a writer. Among his works are: "Exiles", "Ulysses", "Chamber Music",  "Poems, penny for a piece", "Portrait of the Artist", "Behold the Child", "A Holy Office", "Finnegans Wake", "Dubliners", "The Gas from the Burner", "Giacomo Joyce", "Stephen the Hero” and others.

Ekaterina Abramushkina, 6”V”

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